Mizuma Art Gallery
月並, O JUN, 2009年, キャンバスに油彩, 315 x 410 mm
見ゆ - 雪 4, 鴻池朋子, 2013年, 394 x 544 mm, 紙に鉛筆 撮影:宮島径
#1244, 山本昌男, 2013年, 152 × 102 mm, ゼラチンシルバープリント
Mizuma Art Gallery opened in 1994. Since then we are introducing mainly Japanese and Asian artists whose works aren’t caught in the current “style” and who are with unique sensibilities, to the international art scene, and many of them are now internationally recognized.
We start organizing exhibitions of Western artists who are new to Japanese audiences in recent years.
住所:東京都新宿区市谷田町3-13 神楽ビル2階
出品予定アーティスト:会田誠、O JUN、鴻池朋子、近藤聡乃、宮永愛子、山本昌男