TO OV gallery/cafe
木曜日の少女, 松浦シオリ, 2014年, デジタル
クラッチバッグ, Tsunoo, 2015年, キャメルレザー×ナチュラルファー, H150 x W240 x D40 mm
Bubble(バブル), Sippo’s sampling, 2014年, アコヤ真珠、レジン、銀
TO OV gallery/cafe was opened in 2008 near Nakajima Park which is located in center of Sapporo. Several exhibitions of Painting, sculpture, photography, and design made by artists in Hokkaido have been held.
住所:札幌市中央区南9条西3丁目2-1 マジソンハイツ1F
出展予定アーティスト:松浦シオリ、Tsunoo、Sippo’s sampling、RIPOSO.、wataru.N、ONOE NOTE