Dohjidai Gallery of Art
「puddle」柞磨祥子, 2014年, 漆、発泡スチロール、和紙、石膏/乾漆技法, 190 × 500 × 630 mm
「チェックのお椀(小)」佐々木萌水, 2015年-, ケヤキ、漆・拭き漆, 60 × Φ100 mm
「キラ琳ガーデンのなかまたち」山下萌, 2016年, 半磁土, 左から、180 × 100 × 290 mm、200 × 100 × 300 mm、150 × 95 × 320 mm
Dohjidai Gallery of Art is located in the liveliest area in the center of Kyoto, on the first floor of a well-known landmark, 1928 Bld., that is registered as one of the tangible cultural properties of Kyoto. Our gallery is not only for art aficionados but for a wide range of guests, including ordinary people, whoever wishes to enjoy the fine arts, crafts, and artistic notions of contemporary art. Attend Art Shanghai (2008), KOBE ART MARCHE (2009-2016), Art Busan (2015).
住所:京都市中京区三条通御幸町東入る弁慶石町56 1928ビル 1F