「島とその上」宮原野乃実, 2016年, 陶製手榴弾、陶片、ジオラマ模型、造花 など
「無題」冨永絢美, 2016年, アクリル、印刷物、グロスポリマーメディウム、クリスタルバーニッシュ、木製パネル, 210 × 301 mm
「Is there a guy resemble me?」Wei-Hua Lin, 2015年, キャンバスに刺繍, 300 x 200 x 15 mm
International creators and reviewers gather to exchange ideas and get a chance to take off to unknown Asia. Not only do participants exhibit and sell their works but also it is an opportunity where gallerists, producers and art directors collaborate with participants. Conference and portfolio review by them will be organized, prize winners selected by judges will get chance to entitle omnibus exhibition in Japan and oversea for presentation of their talent.
出品予定アーティスト:冨永絢美、宮原野乃実、Wei-Hua Lin 協力:Peach Aviation